This weekend was like a snapshot out of a fairytale. Philly is warming up and so are everyone's little Grinch hearts as we all thaw out from that brutal winter depression. I've been saying almost every winter for the last two years "this will be the last winter i spend in Philly." Then spring rolls on through and i fall in love with this city all over again. We'll see if i can make it through yet another harsh snow storm or not, but in the meantime I'll be soaking in that almost summer sun.
This might be my favorite time of year by far. Besides the fact that spring means my BIRTHDAY IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, I've also always loved the way the seasons change. I find it beautiful the way one season decays into the beauty of the next. Right now is that beautiful time of year when your driving up and down Kelly Drive with all the trees blossoming, and traffic all of a sudden isn't so bad. It only lasts for a few weeks before the leaves grow in but that seems to make me appreciate it more. It always reminds me of growing up, when our cherry weeping willow would bloom in the front yard and my mom would make us all get our family picture in front of it. It was always a scramble to make sure we got one before all the petals fell away. But I mean no one wants to disappoint their mamma dukes. Am I right?
Cheers to spring finally being in full swing, and to gorgeous white dresses that make being girly so much fun.