Forgive me for getting a little mooshy in this post but sometimes a girls gotta get some feelings and thoughts off her chest, ya dig?
Welp, life has seemed a little unfair lately. Within the last month I've experienced a lot of loss, a feeling that is quite new to me. When life is getting rough it makes you stop and think about everything around you. I've never been a deep or very sentimental kind of person but boy have my eyes really opened up. The things that once used to bother me seem so trivial in the scheme of things. This has made me more motivated to be a kinder person and to wake up each day grateful for my health and happiness. I have an amazing group of friends who have sent me so much love and I'm so thankful for everyone who has reached out to me. I know this last month is just a little speed bumb in my life and the sadness I feel wont last forever. If I've learned anything from these recent experiences it's to appreciate all the good you have in your life and to tell the people you love how much they mean to you. Life really is so damn short and I plan on making the rest of mine remarkable.
lots and lots of love
P.S. I can't wait to dish out the story of this awesome abandoned mansion Erin and I discovered. Stay tuned babes!!
All photos by Erin Gort