Channeling vacation vibes in this overgrown garden oasis. This dreamy spot is part of the gardens of the abandoned mansion I visited in my last post. It's got me wishing I was in a tropical jungle sipping frozen drinks out of a coconut, and begging Tom to be my pretend pool boy and feed my grapes (I'll keep dreaming on that second part). Speaking of vacations I seriously can not wait for September. We booked ourselves a little getaway in Punta Cana. Neither of us have ever been so feel free to leave travel tips /places to explore below. Tom seriously makes the best vacation buddy, as long as he's got a cocktail and sunshine he's down for whatever. For those of you who know him I know that may be hard to believe, but cha boy can be pretty laid back when we're vacationing. Which works for me because I tend to have my own agenda and usually wind up forcing him to come on adventures with me.
Until then I want to fill my summer with as many trips/ getaways as I can. Even if it's just finding hidden gems like this place above and spending the day exploring them. I've lived in this city for almost 6 years now and I still feel like there is more for me to uncover and explore.
Photos by Erin Gort
> >> All other jewelry made by myself, coming soon to Etsy << <