Friday, July 10, 2015

Sheer Goodness

I stumbled across this brand PYLO a few months ago and pretty much fell in love.  And by love I mean I'm kind of obsessed and want to spend all my dollars here.  This top/dress/sheer amazingness combo I got on is one of my fave pieces.  Its a body suit with a sheer slip attached over perfect could a slip be.  I hate when I buy a sheer slip and I'm like WTF am I going to wear underneath this thing.  And then the thought "oh I could just go nude under this" crosses my mind, but then I guess that's not too street appropriate is it?...whatever.  I threw on shorts with this bad boy but you could easily throw on a little skirt and head out for the night in this as well.  The fact that it has a bodysuit attached sold me on this number when I was thinking of buying it. 
Er bear and I got together one day after work to shoot this bad boy.  We played around in West Chester and I know you're probably thinking "oh the suburbs...that's cool...not."  But the town is actually really cute to explore if you're ever in the area.  We went on top of a parking garage and made some little kids uncomfortable until they left, and then shot around. The photos turned out better than I expected, and an even better end to the night was grabbing drinks afterwards.  Because who doesn't love sitting outside with frands drinking some cold brewskies. 
With summer in full swing I'm outside every chance I get and I'll be counting down the minutes today until I can get my butt home and then down the shore for the weekend! Gotta love summers at the beach.
Photos by Erin Gort
Slip Dress here | Shorts here | Jewelry by Moi