Thursday, September 17, 2015

Summer in the Poconos

Three blondes, a honda civic, a camera, and some champagne.  What more do you need to create some amazing memories with you buds and say goodbye to summer.  The weekend in the poconos is one of my most prized summer trip memories. And rather than me ranting on and on of everything we did, here's a quick list of some of the crazy yet amazing moments we had.

1. Hiked some beautiful trails to these gorgeous waterfalls pictured above

2.  Realized we had no other music once the radio cut out except for an 80's mix CD i had in the car from my dad (thanks Gary!)

3. Got lost trying to find an abandoned road (ironic) and ended up taking my civic off roading

4.  Hiked to the top of a mountain during golden hour (popped champagne in honor of making it up before sunset)

5.  Got stuck hiking back down post sunset (with no flashlight because why would anyone pack a flashlight to go camping)

6.  Danced with older women we just met in a dive bar to some serious throw back jams

7.  Slept in my little civic in a clearing off the road because we never made arrangements at a campsite (oops)

8.  Woke up at sunset to shoot at our fave waterfall from the day before

9.  Played endless car games the entire way home to try and stay awake (tip: the alphabet game can get competitive...beware)

Some weekends are just so so good. 

Until the next adventure,


Photo's via Erin