Monday, June 22, 2015

Chipping Away

It baffles me how fast this summer is flying by already.  I know it's only officially been summer for a day or so now, but the June rising temperatures have had me in this summer state of mind for weeks.  I have such a busy schedule over the next month or so.  We're in a crazy time of year for work.  On top of the late hours i've been working i've also been trying to cram as many activities into my social schedule as i can.  The last thing i want to do is stay inside on these gorgeous days we've been having.  After an awful winter, it's nice to be outside or out with friends no matter how humid it may be.  I've learned to appreciate the good months, because when winter rolls around i know i'll end up going into hibernation until the snow melts away. 

Summer please slow down for me, i wish you would never end.

xx KP

Blue Tank here | White Tank here | Cut Offs  here

Photos by Erin Gort

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

vacation vibes

Channeling vacation vibes in this overgrown garden oasis.  This dreamy spot is part of the gardens of the abandoned mansion I visited in my last post.  It's got me wishing I was in a tropical jungle sipping frozen drinks out of a coconut, and begging Tom to be my pretend pool boy and feed my grapes (I'll keep dreaming on that second part).  Speaking of vacations I seriously can not wait for September.  We booked ourselves a little getaway in Punta Cana.  Neither of us have ever been so feel free to leave travel tips /places to explore below.  Tom seriously makes the best vacation buddy, as long as he's got a cocktail and sunshine he's down for whatever.  For those of you who know him I know that may be hard to believe, but cha boy can be pretty laid back when we're vacationing.  Which works for me because I tend to have my own agenda and usually wind up forcing him to come on adventures with me.  

Until then I want to fill my summer with as many trips/ getaways as I can.  Even if it's just finding hidden gems like this place above and spending the day exploring them.  I've lived in this city for almost 6 years now and I still feel like there is more for me to uncover and explore.


Photos by  Erin Gort

> >> All other jewelry made by myself, coming soon to Etsy << <